Meet the Aussie Chook Supplies Team!

Author: Aussie Chook Supplies  

At Aussie Chook Supplies, we’re more than just an online store—we’re a small, poultry loving business with a dedicated team that work hard behind the scenes to make your experience as seamless as possible.

Since 2009, our family-run business has been committed to providing the best products for backyard chickens and semi-commercial poultry flocks across Australia. What started as my own passion for poultry has grown into a trusted hub for chicken keepers looking for quality supplies, expert advice, and top notch service.

Behind every order, every answered question and every package sent out the door, there’s a team of hardworking people ensuring you get exactly what you need for a happy, healthy flock.
From customer support to packing and dispatch, each of us shares the same commitment to helping you succeed in your chicken-keeping journey. With that, I'd like to introduce you to the team as it's always nice to know who you are speaking to when you deal with Aussie Chook Supplies.

So lets start with me. Hi! I'm Christine, CEO & Chief Chicken Lover here.

  Christine Dinas - CEO & Chief Chicken Lover at Aussie Chook Supplies

Other members of the Aussie Chook Supplies team and their roles are -

  Admin & Customer Service Team - Christine Dinas  Warehouse Manager - Aaliyah DinasWarehouse & Fulfilment Team - Christine & Aaliyah Dinas  Operations Manager - Christine DinasDigital Marketing Manager - Christine Dinas  Logistics & Heavy Lifting Specialist - Arthur Dinas Business Development & Strategy Team - Christine & Arthur Dinas       Chief Financial Officer - Christine DinasIT Manager - Arthur Dinas Public Engagement Leader  Product Procurement Specialist  Morale & Motivation Officer - Christine Dinas


So that's us... the faces behind the Aussie Chook Supplies brand.